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Cabinet to consider new ALN and Inclusion strategic plan

Image of a group of child with paint on their hands

6 November 2024

Image of a group of child with paint on their hands
An exciting plan aimed at enhancing the inclusive and equitable education system to better support the needs of all Powys learners, including those with additional learning needs, will be considered by Cabinet this month.

Powys County Council has produced a new Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Inclusion Strategic Plan for Powys. The plan outlines a comprehensive approach to supporting learners with ALN, fostering inclusive environments and ensuring equitable access to education and opportunities for all learners.

The proposed plan will be considered by Cabinet on Tuesday, November 26.

If approved, the strategic plan will help the council meet the aims in its Strategy for Transforming Education in Powys as well as help deliver objectives as part of the Sustainable Powys strategy.

Key objectives within the strategic plan include enhancing early identification and intervention, developing a supportive educational environment, improving access to specialist services, and ensuring effective transition pathways.

The strategic plan also emphasises partnership working between the council, Powys Teaching Health Board and NPTC Group to deliver cohesive support for all learners and their families.

It is proposed that the plan is implemented through three workstreams. They are:

  • Inclusion for All - focuses on service improvement and development and aims to support and address the challenges raised by professionals and families regarding Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and Inclusion;
  • Educated Other Than at School (EOTAS) and the Pupil Referral Unit (PRU) - this workstream aims to review current practices and processes and implement improvements to better support these learners. The goal is to facilitate their reintegration into mainstream schools or smooth transitions to further education (FE) placements, promoting their overall wellbeing and academic success;
  • Development of a New Inclusion Hubs and Community Network Model including Specialist Learning Centres - this workstream explores the potential of creating a more integrated, accessible and supportive environment for learners, families, and the wider community, fostering a more inclusive and resilient society. The programme will explore the suitability of establishing new Inclusion Hubs across Powys that will integrate specialist support, ensuring accessibility and high-quality services for all learners.

Cllr Pete Roberts, Cabinet Member for a Learning Powys, said: "We are committed to ensuring that every child and young person in Powys receives the support they need to succeed.

"This strategic plan is crucial for creating a comprehensive, inclusive, and equitable education system in Powys.

"By working together with our partners, we can ensure that all learners, especially those with additional learning needs, receive the support they need to thrive."

The council's Learning and Skills Scrutiny Committee and Health and Care Scrutiny Committee will consider the proposed strategic plan on Wednesday, November 13.

To read the Strategy for Transforming Education 2020-2032 and details of the Transforming Education Programme - Wave 2 (2022 - 2027) visit Transforming Education

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