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Our Vision


Our Values

  • Professional
  • Open
  • Positive
  • Collaborative
  • Progressive

A Clear Vision and Improvement Objectives

In Powys Social Care, we believe that everyone is unique, with strengths and hopes as well as needs.  We will support people to live the best life they can, and by focussing on what matters, we will work alongside people to help them find the right solutions for themselves.

Our vision is aligned to the Corporate Strategic and Equality Plan and the Powys Health and Care Strategy which seeks to promote independence and self-care wherever possible through a strengths-based approach. 

We have 7 key objectives that help us to manage demand for our services, whilst looking to deliver the best possible outcomes for our residents:

Front Door - we provide information, advice, and signposting which enables residents to make informed choices in relation to their care and wellbeing.  We focus on resolution at the earliest opportunity for the resident.

Hospital - to achieve the best possible outcomes for residents, we work with NHS partners to have  a set of arrangement in place that allows for the transfer of people out of hospital as quickly as possible.

Partnership - we work with Powys Teaching Health Board to adopt and reinvigorate a recovery approach to all health and social care services.

Community - we work to ensure that there is timely, targeted and effective use of reablement, rehabilitation and support.  We focus on enabling independence and self-management and avoiding the over-prescription of care.

Long Term Care - we work alongside residents with long-term care needs to have a care and support plan with a focus on achieving the maximum possible independence (as far as is realistic and possible for their individual circumstances) and delivers the desired outcome.

Workforce - we have  a workforce that is fully trained and supported to work with people needing social care which fits with the ethos and principles of the council.

Management - we collate and analyse data to help us understand whether there has been an impact on the delivery of outcomes and the management of demand on our services.

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