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Agri-tech and food innovation in Mid and North Wales

A farmer using agri-tech

17 December 2024

A farmer using agri-tech
Growing Mid Wales, Ambition North Wales, M-SParc and AberInnovation are pleased to announce the official launch of the Cluster Management Organisation (CMO) to drive agri-tech and food technology innovation across Mid and North Wales.

Nurturing Innovation in the Agri-tech and Food Technology Cluster for Mid and North Wales, the CMO will coordinate activities and promote funding opportunities available in the local cluster through a project that will run initially for two years using funding from Innovate UK.

The CMO aims to strengthen collaboration between businesses, research institutions, and regional partners to boost innovation and competitiveness in the agri-food and agri-tech sectors.

A strategic steering group overseeing the CMO will be led by Growing Mid Wales and Ambition North Wales in partnership with AberInnovation and M-SParc. Together, they will support businesses through events, webinars and funding opportunities - strengthening networks and collaboration across the region.

Carwyn Jones-Evans, Growing Mid Wales, said: "This funding is a significant milestone for the agri-food and agri-tech sectors in Mid and North Wales. The CMO will serve as a critical vehicle for bringing businesses, research partners, and funding opportunities together, ensuring that our region remains at the forefront of technological innovation."

Rhian Hayward, CEO of AberInnovation, commented: "This launch is a key moment for us, and we are excited to support the agri-food cluster. Our goal is to bring businesses and research organisations together to innovate in ways that are both economically viable and environmentally sustainable."

Businesses and research partners are encouraged to explore the local area's innovation offerings and get involved in the regional clusters. To learn more about the funding opportunities and how to participate, visit

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