Cabinet pledge massive funding boost for schools

18 December 2024

A meeting of the cabinet has recommended that an additional £7.4m is provided in the schools delegated budget to meet pay and spending pressures as part of the annual budget to be considered by the full council in February.
Cabinet member for a Learning Powys, Cllr Pete Roberts said: "Allocating more than £7m to schools is a significant investment, in a year where balancing the overall budget will be very challenging. The Cabinet is committed to fully funding the formula principles to ensure schools have the resources they need to deliver Curriculum for Wales and to provide all young people in Powys with the highest standards of teaching and learning, while remaining within their budget envelope.
"The current financial situation places our school leaders, governing bodies and wider school community under considerable pressure. I'd like to recognise the challenging financial context these colleagues work in and thank them for their hard work and dedication to Education in Powys.
"This financial commitment to fully fund the schools' formula demonstrates the Cabinet's commitment to Education in Powys," he added.
The Cabinet's recommendation will be considered by full council in February as part of the annual budget setting process.