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Pregnant or might be pregnant?


Pregnancy and Lambing: Essential Safety Guidelines

Avoid Lambing Activities:

Do not assist with lambing, feeding lambs, or milking ewes. Lambing ewes and birthing fluids may carry infections harmful to you and your baby.

No Contact with Animals or Contaminated Items:

Avoid newborn lambs, birthing fluids, afterbirth, and contaminated bedding, fences, or equipment. These can spread infections like Toxoplasma or Listeria, which may cause miscarriage or complications.

Avoid Contaminated Clothing or Equipment:

Do not handle clothing or equipment that has been in contact with lambing materials. These items can carry dangerous infections.

Seek Medical Advice if Unwell:

Contact your midwife or doctor immediately if you have flu-like symptoms, a fever, or suspect exposure to infections. Early treatment can protect you and your baby.

Partners' Role:

Ensure your partner washes thoroughly and changes clothes after lambing activities. This reduces the risk of cross-contamination at home.


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