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Notice: have your say on the draft Powys Sustainable Resource Strategy

Keeping safe during lambing - General Advice

wider community

If you are visiting a household where someone is pregnant, trying for a baby, or has a weakened immune system, follow these safety measures:

Change and wash any clothing that may have been exposed to lambing animals, their young and birthing materials before visiting.

Avoid bringing contaminated clothing or footwear into the home.

Wash your hands thoroughly before entering and after leaving the household.

Farmers and Vet Support

Farmers should contact their vet if a ewe aborts to identify and manage any potential risks to both humans and animals.

Dog Owners & the General Public

When walking your dog in the countryside, be mindful of sheep, particularly during lambing season:

Always keep dogs on a lead near livestock, as sheep can become frightened, which may cause stress-induced abortion.

Pick up after your dog - dog faeces can carry parasites, which can be fatal to sheep. Always dispose of waste responsibly.

Follow local signs and guidance to help protect farm animals and respect working farmland.

Pet Safety Reminder

Worm your pets regularly, take extra care when cleaning up their faeces, and practice good hygiene after any contact with them to minimise the risk of infection.

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