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Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards - Legal Update

Provided by DCC Interactive

Online via TEAMS

Target Audience: All Young people services and  Social care staff -Managers and Supervisors in Providers services.


To ensure those working within young people and adult social care services including managers of services and care provision have a legal understanding of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, 2009. To enable staff to guide and challenge others on how to apply the MCA principles and reinforce responsibilities with DOLS 2009.  To include how DOLS applies to age 16 +

Key Outcomes:

Update on relevant and current case law and policy in relation to MCA and DOLS including DOL for young people.
Recognise the importance of the DOL Safeguards and explore any changes.                                                                                                                                                                               

Identify the basic principles of public law and the importance of knowing the limits of your authority as a public authority under the legislation.
Ensure staff do things right lawfully from an ethical viewpoint to protect and promote human rights and practice defendable decision making on behalf of the public authority.
Understand the legal defence provided by section 5 of the Act for decisions and by section 6 for decisions which include restriction and restraint to ensure staff follow this guidance,  in their everyday work and ensure that is translated into care planning.                                                                                                                                                    

Promote and understand the responsibilities of the Managing authority within DOLS and when to make a referral for DOLS.
Consider the complex dynamics of fluctuating capacity and the effects on decision making in care settings, IMCA support and the importance of section 21A appeal processes involving the COP.
How should we now define and authorise Deprivation of Liberty for 16/17-year-olds?
How does DOLS  impact on 'informal' patients under the MHA and the role of AMHPs and Tribunals?

Date: 16 July 2025

Times: 9.00am - 4.30pm

There is no charge to attend these courses, however a cancellation charge may apply to non-attendance if sufficient notice is not given

Express an interest in this course here Expression of Interest Form for Training Courses


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