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End of Life Care and Bereavement

Target Audience: Adults & Children's Services SW teams/ Providers/Carers

Provider: Keith Jones JMG Training & Consultancy Ltd

Online via TEAMS


This course is for carers, unpaid carers or practitioners supporting palliative care. This course aims to equip participants to help improve the care and treatment of those nearing end of life to ensure their palliative care needs and last wishes are met with dignity and respect. It will enable participants to undertake the carer's role with confidence applying understanding of palliative care providing dignity, comfort and empathy and raising awareness of the issues and concerns facing carers and relatives of dying loved ones.  This workshop aims to provide the participants with an opportunity to explore both theoretical and practical issues involved in working with individuals approaching the end of their lives, advance care planning and in supporting their families.

Learning Outcomes:

Understand the physical, psychosocial and spiritual aspects of palliative and End of Life Care.
Understand the principles of Palliative Care in caring for an individual and his/her family.
Understanding the role professional carers play in providing comfort.
Increase knowledge and awareness of the skills needed to provide Palliative and End of Life Care.                                                     

Develop knowledge and understanding of the dying phase.                                                           

Understand personal feelings about death and dying and how such feelings may influence the delivery of care
Recognise approaches to communicating with clients and relatives as death is approaching and supporting those to plan using advanced care planning.

Date: 9 July 2025

Times: 9.30am - 4.30pm


There is no charge to attend these courses, however a cancellation charge may apply to non-attendance if sufficient notice is not given

Express an interest in this course here Expression of Interest Form for Training Courses


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