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Household Recycling Centre Changes

Image showing someone booking a time slot to visit a recycling centre on their phone

14 February 2025

Image showing someone booking a time slot to visit a recycling centre on their phone
From 1 April 2025, there will be changes to the way we all use the Household Recycling Centres, which includes booking a time slot for your visit and paying a small charge for depositing DIY waste. 
Book a visit 
From 1 April 2025 residents will need to book a time slot to visit any of our Household Recycling Centres. This can be done quickly and easily online or over the phone. 
As well as to reduce costs, the booking system for the Household Recycling Centres has been introduced to: 
·    reduce congestion and queuing times 
·    to make visits easier and less time consuming  
·    to allow staff more time to help visitors who may need advice and/or assistance on site 
·    improve recycling rates 
·    reduce non-legitimate use by commercial operators and users from outside the county 
Simply follow the online instructions to book a time slot at your chosen Household Recycling Centre. Residents will need to provide their name, address, email address and the registration number of the vehicle they will be using for their visit.  
Booking a time slot can also be made over the phone by calling: 01597 827465 
Residents will be able to book their first time slot, for visits after 1 April, from 25 March 2025. 
"Despite some negative publicity in other local authority areas where booking systems have recently been introduced, feedback gathered in resident's surveys confirm residents are very happy with the system once it has settled down." Explains Cllr Jackie Charlton, Cabinet Member for a Greener Powys. "In fact, in a recent survey by a council in North Wales, 81% of residents ranked the new booking system as excellent, and 83% are in favour of keeping it in place.  
"Change is always a challenge to begin with.  It will soon become second nature and remembering to pre-book a time slot will make your visit to the household recycling centre more efficient knowing that you have your own slot to recycle your waste with the help of the staff, if needed." 
More information and a full set of frequently asked questions can be found online: Recycling Centres
DIY waste 
From 1 April 2025, if residents wish to dispose of DIY waste at any of the Household Recycling Centres, they will need to pay a small charge. 
Waste from any DIY works or improvements on homes is classified as industrial waste, not household waste (waste created in the day to day running of households). Household Recycling Centres are not obliged to accept industrial waste. 
However, we understand that as a result of small home DIY improvements, residents can produce this type of waste, and we will therefore accept it at the Household Recycling Centres, with a small charge to cover the costs of handling and disposal. 
"We appreciate that charges are never welcome, but they will ensure we can continue to accept small quantities of DIY waste from our home improvements projects and continue to afford to keep all five Household Recycling Centres open five-days a week." Adds Cllr Charlton.  
"The charges have not been introduced to make a profit and have been kept as low as possible." 
Residents will need to pay during their visit to Household Recycling Centre before disposing of their DIY waste. 
More information and a full set of frequently asked questions can be found online: Recycling Centres
Together with local community groups and charities, we are looking to introduce reuse shops at our Household Recycling Centres, where space allows, in the future. You will soon be able to donate and/or buy items during your visit. All donated items will be sold to help raise money for local causes. 
The introduction of a booking system and charges for DIY waste was agreed back in February 2024 as part of the council's medium-term financial strategy 2024-2029.

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