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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

What is domestic abuse?

Everyone has the right to live free from fear, intimidation, and abuse, especially within their own home. It's important that those affected by domestic violence and abuse are supported to make their own decisions.


Domestic abuse can include psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional abuse.

Signs of domestic violence or abuse

  • low self-esteem, withdrawal
  • feeling that the abuse is their fault when it is not
  • physical evidence of violence such as bruising, cuts, broken bones
  • verbal abuse and humiliation in front of others
  • fear of outside intervention
  • damage to home or property
  • isolation - not seeing friends and family
  • limited access to money

Domestic abuse is a serious and widespread problem, although it is often hidden in the family. Abuse happens in all societies irrespective of gender, ethnicity, class, nationality, religion, cultural background, disability, marital status, age or sexual orientation.

1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will be affected at sometime in their lives by domestic abuse. Men as well as women can be the victims, and it also affects same-sex relationships.

The law includes both controlling behaviour and coercive behaviour within the definition of domestic abuse, and these definitions include so called 'honour' based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage.

Powys County Council are currently working on a Strategy to prevent Domestic Abuse and support victims and survivors.  This is at the consultation stage.



  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 602 7050 (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Emergency Duty Team 0300 333 2222 (Delta Wellbeing out of hours service)
  • Text: Adults in Powys who are deaf or have hearing loss can text the ASSIST team on 07883 307 622. (8.30-4.45 Monday - Thursday and 8.30 - 4.15 Friday)
  • Address: ASSIST (Adult Social Care), Powys County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG

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