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Considerations when choosing childcare

Choosing someone to look after your child is never easy, but hopefully you'll find the information on this page useful as a guide.
Image of a child with Lego


What type of childcare?

First you need to decide what type of childcare suits your needs and circumstances. Our Types of childcare page explains the different types of childcare available in Powys, and which circumstances they best suit.


What should I find out about the setting?

As much as you can, when you visit a setting take a look around, spend a good amount of time there, and ask to see their registration certificates.

Ideally try to visit a setting when there will be children there. Do they look calm, safe, occupied, interested and happy? Do they play together? Does the staff listen, seem interested and respond in an appropriate manner? Are the premises clean and well-kept?


What will I need to do to join a setting?

First, visit the setting, organise to meet up with a setting leader and take a look around. Usually you will need to agree a start date, and times, as well as sign a contract agreeing the terms of your child's place.


I go back to work next week, is it too late to look for a place?

No, but many settings have a waiting list, which could mean you will need to wait 6 months or more before a place becomes available. Ideally you should contact your chosen setting as early as possible and if there is a waiting list, get your name on it.


Now I know what to do, where can I find out what's available?

You can either take a look around our online childcare search or contact us and we can send the information out to you, and answer any other questions you may have. 


What about help with childcare costs?

You can find out about help with childcare costs through HMRC's Childcare Choices website.  If you are still in education, talk to your education provide or Student Finance Wales



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