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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Find a local Youth Club

Youth clubs are held in lots of different buildings and venues - they might be in the community centre or another local venue, or there could be an outreach project near you. Youth Clubs are run by young people, so you can help decide on activities and how the group works. Youth workers are there to support the group, and if you need someone to talk to, they will listen and give non-judgemental, honest advice.

Youth Clubs run in the evenings and during the holidays for anyone who wants to turn up. We also have projects for particular groups like young parents, Welsh speakers, LGBTQ youth and young carers.

Image of a group of young people

Take a look at the Youth Clubs near you, and find out what they're up to. There may be more happening in your area than you think!

Please note youth clubs are generally available weekdays (term time only), but as our youth workers also work in schools, and run youth centre sessions, you may not always be able to get hold of someone. Please try again later, or if facilities exist please leave an answerphone message or e-mail the relevant person.