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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Apply for a sports grant

The major source of sports funding for clubs is the National Lottery SPORTLOT fund, administered by Sport Wales. Funding packages change frequently so there may be more grants available than the ones listed here.


District Sports Council Grants

The Montgomeryshire District Sports Council is runs three grant schemes. Applications must be returned by the end of March and September each year.

The Talented Athlete Support Grant gives financial help to aspiring and talented athletes in Powys. Athletes must have qualified or been selected to compete at national level or above.

Grants are available up to a maximum of £200 year, but sports must be officially recognised by Sport Wales. Applications will be assessed by a panel of representatives from the District Sports Councils.

For more information, contact our Sports Development team using the contact details on the page.


Apply for a Sports Grant

You can get an application form from the Sport Wales website. If you need help to fill it in, you can contact one of the Sports Development Officers.



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