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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Complaints about schools

We cannot respond to complaints about individual schools as the school governing bodies are responsible for addressing these complaints. 
If you wish to make a complaint about an individual school, please ask the school concerned for a copy of its complaints procedure.

Welsh Government guidance for schools complaints suggests that schools follow the basic process as below:

  1. Raise the complaint with a staff member informally in the first instance. This may be a designated person who is identified in the individual school's process notes. (Stage A).
  2. If unhappy with the response then raise the complaint formally via the Headteacher, who will investigate or have a staff member investigate on their behalf before providing a response (Stage B).
  3. If still unsatisfied, then the complaint can be taken to Stage C, a meeting of the governing body's complaints committee.

There are some special circumstances, such as if the complaint is about the headteacher: please see the Welsh Government guidance for details.

The Local Authority can only be involved in a school complaint if the complainant believes the school has not followed its own complaints process properly. The Local Authority cannot overturn an outcome reached by a school, but can advise the school to re-hear the complaint. To contact the Local Authority about a school complaint, email

Welsh Government Guidance

Complaints about a member of staff in a school

If the complaint is of a criminal safeguarding nature where a child or children are at immediate risk of harm, you should call 999 and report the situation to the police. A complaint raised about a member of staff in a school should be raised with the school directly. Following the school's complaints process is the only way for your complaint to be dealt with.

Curriculum and Religious Worship

Our policy of handling complaints about curriculum and collective worship is in accordance with the terms of Section 409 of the Education Act 1996. Powys County Council is the Local Authority (the LA).

The policy has been drawn up following consultation with the heads and governors of schools and has been approved by the Secretary of State. The arrangements cover complaints made about the performance of duties or exercise of powers by the council or by the governing bodies of schools maintained by the council.

The document setting out our arrangements is available to read at all schools maintained by the council, at public libraries and at education offices. If you wish to make a complaint under these arrangements we will give you a copy. A copy of the circular of guidance issued by the Welsh Office 26/89 will also be made available.

Complaints about the Council

For all other complaints, please see our page about how to make a complaint. 

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