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Apply for Family History Certificates

All the registers for births, deaths and marriages which took place in Powys from 1837 onwards are now held at the Registration Office in Llandrindod Wells. If you're finding out about your family history, you can order copies of these certificates.

To apply for family history certificates, please send us:

Image of a family tree document

  • Full name of the individual(s) concerned
  • Date and place of birth/death/marriage.
  • If possible, parent's names, as these help us double-check the records to make sure we find the right one.
  • A daytime telephone number where we can reach you if we have any queries.

You can give us the information by email, phone or in writing using the contact details on this page.

Without this information, it will not be possible to trace the individuals you are seeking.

For other resources and information on events before 1837 please contact us.

When you send the required information, our staff will make a search of up to one year on either side of the date you give us. 

Family History enquiries are dealt with in the order we get them. However, requests for certificates for legal purposes, pensions, passports etc will be processed first.

Please do not telephone individual Registration Offices for family history certificates.

There is a fee for a copy certificate.

Other resources

If you are interested in researching family history, Powys Archives can help you.  Find out more about the records we hold or how to visit us.  Powys Archives can also undertake research on your behalf if you are unable to visit in person and also provides a copying service.

Did you know: Powys Archives offer one-to-one sessions for people interested in family or local history. 


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