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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Marriage and Civil Ceremonies fees

Further certificates can be ordered after the day of your ceremony by calling our office on 01597 827468.

Fees for Marriage / Civil Partnership ceremonies

Booking fee (non-refundable / non-deductible)

  • £30 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) to be paid at time of booking


Notices of Marriage / Civil Partnership

  • £42 per person (set by law), to be paid at appointment with your local office


Registration fees for licensed venues 

(fees set by the council and are reviewed every year)

  • Monday - Thursday: £429, £441.50 + 1x Cert
  • Friday: £442, £454.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday: £507,  £519.50 + 1x Cert
  • Sunday / Bank Holidays: £599, £611.50 + 1x Cert


Registration fees for religious buildings

  • Monday - Sunday (inc. Bank Holidays): £104, £116.50 + 1x Cert (set by law)


Registration fees for Register Offices

Brecon Registration Office - Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon 

  • Monday - Friday        £56 (set by law) £68.50* + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £221 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £233.50 + 1x Cert

Powys Register Office - The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells 

  • Monday - Friday        £56 (set by law) £68.50* + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £221 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £233.50 + 1x Cert

Newtown Registration Office - Ladywell House, Newtown 

  • Monday - Friday        £56 (set by law) £68.50* + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £221 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £233.50 + 1x Cert

Registration Office - Ty Maldwyn, Welshpool

  • Monday - Friday        £56 (set by law) £68.50* + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £221 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £233.50 + 1x Cert

Ystradgynlais Registration Office - The Library, Ystradgynlais 

  • Monday - Friday        £56 (set by law) £68.50* + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £221 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £233.50 + 1x Cert


Registration fees for Council ceremony rooms

Chairman's Room - Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon 

  • Monday - Friday        £238 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £250.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £293 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £305.50 + 1x Cert

Rock Park Room - The Gwalia, Llandrindod Wells 

  • Monday - Friday        £238 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £250.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £293 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £305.50 + 1x Cert

The Chamber, County Hall - Llandrindod Wells 

  • Monday - Friday        £355 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £337.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £426 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £438.50 + 1x Cert

Ceremony Room - Ladywell House Newtown 

  • Monday - Friday        £238 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £250.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £293 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £305.50 + 1x Cert

Ceremony Room - Ty Maldwyn, Welshpool

  • Monday - Friday        £238 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £250.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £293 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £305.50 + 1x Cert

Tawe Room - The Library, Ystradgynlais 

  • Monday - Friday        £238 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £250.50 + 1x Cert
  • Saturday (before 12pm)        £293 (set by the council and are reviewed every year) £305.50 + 1x Cert


Fees for civil naming ceremonies and re-affirmation of vows/commitment ceremonies

The fees below are for all non-statutory ceremonies. These ceremonies can take place in any of our council ceremony rooms or licenced venues. The fee includes the ceremony and one commemorative certificate.

Booking fee (non-refundable / non-deductible)

  • £35 to be paid at time of booking

Ceremony Fee (to be paid one month before the ceremony

  • Monday - Friday £280
  • Saturday: £326
  • Sunday / Bank Holidays: £370

Please note VAT is payable on non-statutory ceremonies, this fee includes VAT at 20%



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