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Notice: If you have a My Powys Account, please take part in our survey

How to use the service

Tell us in person

If you would like to come and speak to someone, please call 0345 602 7038 or 01597 827468 to make an appointment. You need to have registered the death before you see us. If it helps, you can usually make appointments to see the Registrar and use Tell Us Once on the same visit.


You may prefer to speak to someone on the phone. You can call the Department for Work and Pensions. Please call 0345 602 7038 or 01597 827468 for further information.

Tell us Once

We can help you to give the information to the Department for Work and Pensions and they can pass it on to a number of other government and local council services for you.

You can just tell us once, and all those organisations will be contacted.

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