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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Powys' allotments

Allotments were originally set up to allow poor farmworkers to grow enough food to support their families. They were widespread by the end of the nineteenth century and highly valued by people in both rural and urban areas. 

Today, demand for plots to 'grow your own' is high, and allotments are also important places to relax, socialise and exercise. They are also important for our wildlife, providing valuable habitat in built-up areas and intensively managed farmland. Encouraging birds, bees, hoverflies, reptiles, amphibians, bats, hedgehogs, shrews and beetles is good for the allotment, as many will eat garden pests such as slugs, aphids and caterpillars. Bees and adult hoverflies will also pollinate your crops. Even spiders, centipedes and wasps are beneficial!

How to apply for an allotment
If your chosen allotment isn't shown below please contact your town/community council or local allotment association. If they can't help, please contact us using the details on 01874 612 288 or 01597 82 7652.

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