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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Knighton Bowling Club

Knighton Bowling Club

 Number of Greens: 1

Knighton Bowling Club
Knighton Bowling Club Map
The club is located near to the centre of this market town and is managed, on behalf of the County Council, by the Knighton Bowling Club. All new members, both young and old, are given a warm welcome and if you would like further information regarding opening times, becoming a new member or just to have a casual game, please contact the secretary on 01544 260670 or, alternately call in when the club is open.

For more information on where the Bowling Club is situated click the link below for an interactive map:

Knighton Bowling Club Interactive Map

Grid Reference: 328807 - 272414


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