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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Rhayader Bowling Club

Rhayader Bowling Club

 Number of Greens: 1

Rhayader Bowling Club
Rhayader Bowling Club Map
Rhayader Bowling Club is located on the Waun Capel Park in Rhayader. It has no direct vehicular access and is therefore accessed only on foot either via steep footpaths leading from the town centre or by using the Wye Valley Walk, which is level and follows the river Wye, leading to the boundary of this bowling green.  For more information regarding opening times or becoming a new member please contact the Rhayader Leisure Centre on 01597 810355.

For more information on where the Bowling Club is situated click the link below for an interactive map:

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