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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

Newtown Proposal

Scheme: (Various Streets Newtown)(Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places)(Limited Waiting Permit Holders Exempt) Order 2015

Location: Various Newtown Town

Description:  These waiting/loading restrictions are proposed to maintain safety, also to prevent parking on the footway and obstructing pedestrians.

Following the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement a number of anomalies, deficiencies and ongoing problems associated within the existing on street parking and loading restrictions have been identified.

There has also been a request to pilot a Residents Parking Scheme in a number of areas within the town. Consequently, a review of all the on street waiting and loading restrictions within Newtown and an initial consultation with affected residents within the proposed residents parking zones has been carried out.

A number of modifications are now proposed to:

  • maximise and rationalise the available on street parking areas;
  • eliminate parking and loading within areas where the free flow of vehicles and safe pedestrian movements would otherwise be compromised by inconsiderate or nuisance parking;
  • create dedicated loading areas within the town centre for goods vehicles; and
  • create shared residents parking bays within two zones to allow residents to park within certain bays without being bound be timed parking restrictions when displaying a relevant permit.

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