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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

Newtown Outcome

"The Montgomeryshire Committee met on the 3 June 2015 to consider the representations received during the public consultation process. You can view the agenda and minutes of the meeting.

The committee agreed to downgrade the proposed restrictions in the immediate vicinities of Vaynor Store, Heol Vaynor and the convenience store on Lower Canal Road to better accommodate the needs of customers. The modified plans showing the approved waiting restrictions outside these premises can be viewed on the PDF's below.

All other proposed waiting and loading restrictions within the town were approved to be implemented as proposed under the public consultation phase.  The highway authority will publish the traffic order and make the necessary changes to the carriageway markings and associated signage within the town in due course.


Area Code CQ186 (PDF) [339KB]

Area Code CL190 (PDF) [264KB]

Newtown order maps (PDF) [4MB]

Newtown prohibition order (PDF) [52KB]

Area Code CM190 (PDF) [336KB]

Area Code CQ187 (PDF) [347KB]

Newtown order definitions (PDF) [609KB]