Schools Admission Forum
The Admission Forum has a key role to ensure that Powys County Council has a fair admissions system that does not disadvantage one child compared with another and is straightforward and easy for parents/carers to understand.
The Education (Admission Forums) (Wales) Regulations 2003 require every local authority in Wales to establish an Admission Forum.
Forums are responsible for monitoring compliance with Welsh Government's Statutory School Admissions Code 2013 and are required to meet at least twice a year.
The Forum is for Admission Authorities and other key interested parties to discuss the effectiveness of local Admission Arrangements. And consider how to deal with difficult admission issues and advise the Admission Authority on ways in which their arrangements can be improved.
Schools Admission Forum - Agenda - 18-11-2024 (PDF, 106 KB)
Schools Admission Forum - Agenda 08-07-2024 (PDF, 96 KB)
Schools Admission Forum - Agenda - 04-03-2024 (PDF, 203 KB)
Schools Admission Forum - Minutes - 08.07.24 (PDF, 155 KB)
Schools Admission Forum - Minutes - 04-03-2024 (PDF, 199 KB)
Archived copies of previous agenda items and minutes of the Powys Schools Admissions Forum can be obtained by emailing a request to
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