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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Public Register of Orders

The Public Register of Orders provides details of individuals and/or businesses who are currently prohibited from engaging in estate agency work or who have received a formal warning under the Estate Agents Act 1979. 

This is a publicly available register as provided for by law and Powys County Council is not responsible for, nor does it endorse or make any representations regarding any use made of the data on the register by third parties.

Prohibition Orders stop a person or business from doing estate agency work on certain terms. This may prevent someone from doing estate agency in a certain area or all of the UK, or doing certain work within an estate agency environment. Breaching the terms of a prohibition order is a criminal offence. These orders are not time-limited and last for the lifetime of the person or business, unless otherwise revoked or varied.

Warning Orders, however, are a formal warning that a person or business' actions are unacceptable. This allows them to continue doing estate agency work, but under a strict set of conditions. If they break the terms of the Warning Order or continue with unacceptable behaviour, they may become subject to a Prohibition Order

If you:

  • identify information which appears to be incorrect
  • have any information about suspected breaches of a warning or prohibition order
  • have other enquiries about the Estate Agents Register

Please email

Under section 6 of the Estate Agents Act 1979 anyone who has received a prohibition or warning order can at any time, and on payment of a fee (currently £2,500), apply to Powys County Council for the Order to be varied or revoked.

Further information can be found at: Warning orders and prohibition orders (

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