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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Buy a Rover, Family or Multi-ticket

Powys Rover Ticket

  • A Powys Rover Ticket is just £9 for an adult and £6 for each child. It gives you unlimited travel on participating bus services for the whole day, which means that you can break your journey whenever and wherever you like.
  • Simply buy the ticket on the first bus you travel on, and use it to go as you please throughout the day.


Multi-Trip Tickets - 10 journeys for the price of 7*

  • If you are a regular bus user, you can buy reduced-price tickets for your journey.  Ask your driver for details of discounts that apply to your route.
  • These tickets are only available on Powys Supported Services.


Powys Family Ticket*

  • Available for 2 adults and up to 3 children OR for 1 adult and up to 4 children.
  • Single and Monthly Return family tickets are available for the same price as double the adult fare.
  • These tickets are only available on Powys Supported Services.
  • Group tickets (single or return) also valid for any 5 people travelling together.

Powys Family Day Rover

  • All day travel for £18.
  • Available for 2 adults and up to 3 children OR for 1 adult and up to 4 children.
  • These tickets are only available on Powys Supported Services.
  • Group tickets (single or return) also valid for any 5 people travelling together.

Scheme for 16-21 year olds

Young persons (aged 16-21 years inclusive) travel at Child rates if holding a Welsh Government 'MyTravelPass' card.


Welsh Concessionary passes

  • Welsh Concessionary pass holders are still able to travel free of charge
  • Concessionary pass holders from other parts of the UK may purchase Powys Day Rover tickets at a child rate

Apply to the Welsh Government for a pass  



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