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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Pay a parking fine

Image of logo and link to WPPP
Wales Penalty Processing Partnership (WPPP) handles parking tickets on behalf of Powys County Council. However, WPPP has agreed its policies with the council and our staff will be involved at all stages of the process.

How long will it take for the payment to be received?

 Payment requests made are subject to authorisation and clearance timescales like other payment methods. Although a payment is posted to your council account the day after the transaction has been made, it will take 4 working days for your payment to be fully cleared.

If you have any queries regarding the status of a submitted payment request, please contact the WPPP via their website.


How to pay

  • Online - visit and follow the online instructions.
  • By phone using a debit/credit card - call the automated telephone payment line on 0845 6032877.
  • By post - send your payment to:
    PO Box 273
    LL18 9EJ

    Please ensure that cheques/postal orders are made payable (in sterling) to WPPP.

  • In person at any Allpay outlet (Post Office/PayPoint).

However you pay, you'll need to quote the reference number on the Penalty Charge Notice.

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