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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Yellow Triangle Scheme

Yellow Card image
Powys County Council's Yellow Triangle scheme gives car drivers the opportunity to display a means of quickly determining a driver's medical details in the event of an emergency.

The yellow triangle acts to alert the emergency services to the fact the driver is carrying important information, and should be displayed on the inside, bottom left-hand corner of your motor vehicle. 

The accompanying card, with all your details written on it, should be placed in the glove compartment where the emergency services can easily find it.  

On your card, you can give information about your next of kin, any medical conditions, or allergies you may suffer from, and medications you are taking. 

If you are interested in this scheme and would like a yellow triangle sent out to you or a family member, please call or email, using the contact details below:

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