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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Parking Policy, Annual Reports and Information

Powys County Council (PCC) became a Civil Enforcement Authority (CEA) from 1st April 2011, the Council taking on responsibility for enforcing parking restrictions on the County and Trunk Roads.  Whilst Dyfed-Powys Police ceased employing traffic wardens, they still retain powers to deal with matters such as obstruction and dangerous parking.


Parking Policy

The Councils' policy on parking matters on and off street can be found here: Parking Policy 2018 (PDF, 186 KB)

Cabinet Paper – Parking Policy Dec 2017

Annual Reports

Annual Data

The data below shows information on all the Penalty Charge Notices issued each financial year following implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement in April 2011. This information is often requested under the Freedom of Information Act, it is sensitised to ensure anonymity.  The information can be filtered by the various columns to enable most questions to be answered. Data for the previous financial year will be added during July of each year.

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