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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Terms and Conditions for Social Care Workforce Training

Course Applications

To book a place on your chosen course, Powys County Council employees can book via the TRENT self-serve booking system by typing the start name of the course into the search dialogue box. Non-Powys County Council employees can express their interest in a course via our online system.


Course Instructions

Course information and instructions will be forwarded to participants approximately 2 weeks before the start of the course. If there are not enough participants to make a course viable, or situations arise out of our control, we reserve the right to cancel or postpone the course.


Course Cancellations & Costs

No cancellation costs will be incurred if you notify the corresponding Training Administrator one week before the course. Cancellations due to illness will not incur a cost. Every effort will be made to ensure the courses are run as scheduled. If there are circumstances out of our control where courses are to be cancelled or re-arranged every effort will be made to notify participants in good time.


Non-Attendance Fees

Courses are free of charge unless otherwise stated. If you fail to attend the event you may be charged a fee of £100 full day or £50 half day. This will be at the discretion of the Senior Training Administrator.


Attendance without booking

You are required to book a place to attend any course in the brochure. Accurate information concerning the numbers attending each training session is regularly reported on. Attendance to a session without booking may be acceptable provided spaces are available. Please note that if a session is full, attendance will be denied by the trainer.


Course Evaluation - Post Course Event

To further evaluate our training the Training Unit will contact participants within 3 - 6 months after the training event to establish how you have applied your new learning in your work and assess how this has impacted on your role, team and service. The feedback we receive will be used to improve the performance of services and evaluating

How much did we do? How well did we do it? And is anyone better off as a result?



At all training events we expect a duty of confidentiality when dealing with difficult, emotional and thought provoking topics. We also expect you to:

  • recognise and respect the rights of service users, carers and colleagues
  • maintain professional confidentiality
  • maintain anti-discriminatory attitudes
  • adhere to the policies and procedures of the Council and /or your organisation.


Smoking & the Workplace

The Council is committed to making its premises completely smoke free for the protection of all. Smoking is not permitted in or on Council premises including communal work areas, individual offices, stairwells, lifts, rest areas, toilets, Council office and staff/Members' car parks, depots and grounds. Smoking is also prohibited within vehicles owned or operated by the Council or vehicles hired or leased for Council business at all times. Privately-owned vehicles (as separate from lease vehicles) are not covered by the smoke-free law. If an employee has planned to car-share with colleagues on a work-related journey, they are entitled to decline a lift in a vehicle in which other occupants have smoked or intend to smoke and make alternative, smoke-free, travel arrangements.



Due to financial pressures we are sorry to inform you that we are unable to provide tea and coffee at the training events, we advise that you take drinks and a packed lunch with you to events.

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