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Selling Animals as Pets (Pet shops and other commercial sales)

To run a business that sells animals as pets, you will need a licence. This covers the commercial selling of pet animals, including at pet shops, from domestic premises and businesses selling animals over the internet.

The keeping and operation of a business selling animals as pets is controlled by The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Wales) Regulations 2021

Schedule 1 of the Regulations defines the licensable activities of selling pets. The licensable activity is restricted to businesses or those operating on a commercial basis, including those that operate from a domestic premises to hold a licence if they: -

(a) make any sale by, or otherwise carries on, the activity with a view to making a profit;


(b) earns any commission or fee from the activity

HMRC have advised that you would be considered a business if you make a profit which HMRC defines as over £1000.

In scope criteria Activities that fulfil one or more of the following criteria are subject to licensing:

  1. The import, distribution and sale of animals by a business.
  2. Businesses registered with Companies House.
  3. Businesses or individuals operating from domestic premises for commercial purposes (it  should be noted that many may not be listed with Companies House).
  4. Premises open to members of the public, or to other businesses where animals are available for purchase.

Guideline indicators of running a business of selling animals as pets.

The following may assist consideration of the criteria listed above:

  • The import, distribution and sale of animals by means of a fixed fee;
  • The purchase of animals with the express intent to sell them on;
  • Where animals are bought and then re-advertised for sale, or sold within a short period of time;
  • The number, frequency and/or volume of sales - systematic and repeated transactions using the same means of advertising are likely to indicate a commercial activity;
  • High volumes of animals sold or advertised for sale, or a high number of litters or progeny could indicate a business;
  • Low volumes of animals sold or advertised could indicate a business where high sales prices or large profit margins are involved;
  • High range and variability in the animals traded. A wide variety of species or taxa being traded could indicate the commercial nature of the activity;
  • High numbers of advertisements of animals for sale, including on classified websites, could indicate commercial behaviour, even where there is no actual sale taking place via the internet. This could be high numbers of advertisements at any one time or over a short period of time, and/or regularly.
  • Advertising through a variety of sites, forums or media could indicate a commercial activity.

You can't apply for a pet shop licence if you've previously been banned from keeping a pet shop.

What we will check

To grant a licence, we will need proof that:

  • that animals will be kept in suitable accommodation, for example in regard to temperature, size, lighting, ventilation and cleanliness.
  • adequate food and drink will be provided to the animals, and they will be visited at suitable intervals.
  • that any mammalian animals will not be sold too young.
  • that steps are taken to prevent disease spreading among the animals.
  • that adequate fire and emergency provisions are in place.

For more information: Statutory guidance for the pet sales licensing regime | GOV.WALES 


If you are refused a licence or are not happy with a condition of your licence, you can appeal to the Magistrate's court.

Application Form

Fill in an application form using the link below.

Pet Shop Application Form (PDF, 215 KB)

Please complete the form and return it with the fee to the area licensing office or email

You will be charged a fee for this licence

Licence fees and charges


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0345 6027030
  • Address for North Powys: Trading Standards - Animal Health and Movement, Kirkhamsfield Depot, Newtown, Powys, SY16 3AF
  • Address for Mid Powys:  Trading Standards - Animal Health and Movement, County Hall, Spa Road East, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5LG
  • Address for South Powys: Trading Standards - Animal Health and Movement Neuadd Brycheiniog, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HR

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