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Street and house to house collection licences

The law says that all collections for charity must be licenced.  If you want to collect money or sell goods in any street or public place, you'll need a street collection permit. This applies even if you are collecting or selling for charity. Direct debit fund-raising is not covered by the legislation and doesn't need a permit.

Street Collections

How to carry out a collection

Before you apply, you'll need to check with us to see whether the date/s you need are available. 

Once you've finished your collection, you must send us a statement giving details about the collection within a month. We'll send you the form with your licence. Not sending us this form is an offence.

Application forms

Fill in an application online using the links below.  The links take you to another government website.

Apply to licence a street collection

Supply a return for a street collection

House to House collections

How to carry out a collection

It is essential that the promoter of the collection is fully aware of the legal requirements. Non-compliance is an offence.

You will need to get badges for collectors and authorise collectors. You will also need to return the form we send you with your licence within a month of the collection.  

Application forms

Fill in an application online using the links below.  The links take you to another government website.

Apply to run a charitable collection

Notify us of the result of a charitable collection

If you haven't heard from Powys County Council within 7 calendar days of submitting your request you can assume that your application has been successful.

You can also get forms from us using the contact details on this page.

There is no fee for these licences.

More information on street collections can be found on the Charity Commission website.


If you're unhappy about our decision, please contact us to discuss it. 

If you're still unhappy, you have the right to appeal to the Minister for the Cabinet Office. Appeals must be lodged within 14 days of the refusal.

Consumer complaints

If you have a complaint about a charity making house to house collections, please contact us using the details on this page.



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