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Register a food business

Pizza - food and drink licences
All food businesses are legally required to register with Environmental Health at least 4 weeks before they intend to open.  Some food businesses are also required to seek approval from Environmental Health to operate.



If you own or have taken over a food business in Powys, it is a legal requirement to register your business with the council at least 28 days before opening or taking ownership. 

Registration is free of charge.  The details will be entered onto our register and certain details, such as type of business, address and telephone number, will be available for public inspection. Other information provided will not be publicly available.

Once you have registered, you will need to notify us if there is a change of ownership or change in the nature of the business.

To register a food business please fill in an online form via the following link - Register a Food Business




Your food business may require approval if you intend to manufacture from unprocessed products of animal origin. For example, fresh meat, raw minced meat, raw milk or eggs. This includes:

  • Minced meat, meat preparations, meat products and mechanically separated meat.
  • Live bi-valve molluscs and fishery products.
  • Raw milk (other than raw cows' milk).
  • Dairy products.
  • Eggs and egg products (not primary production).
  • Other products of animal origin (please check with us).
  • Certain cold stores and wholesale markets.

Full list of food sector types

You cannot operate your food establishment until it has been approved by this authority. The approval process requires that you put in place procedures to manage food safety based upon Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) principles. 

The HACCP documents will make up part of your food safety management system which should be tailored to fit your business and should be simple and appropriate to the scale and type of production you intend to carry out.


Some exemptions may apply based on the premises being retail or supplying other retailers on a marginal, localised and restricted basis.

Application for Approval

As well as registering, some food businesses must also be approved to operate.  If you intend to manufacture from unprocessed products of animal origin (e.g. fresh meat, raw minced meat, raw milk or eggs), please see the 'Approval' section on this page.

You must seek advice from us before applying for approval.  We will help you make all the necessary preparations before you submit an application form.

Once you are ready to apply

Apply for food premises approval

Change food premises approval

There is no charge for this service.

You can also get an application form from us using the contact details on this page.  Please complete the form and return it to the area office.

If you have applied for approval, please contact us using the details on this page if you haven't heard from us within 28 days


Appeals and complaints

Applicants for approved premises

If you're unhappy with our decision please contact us to discuss it.

Other interested parties

If you're not the applicant and you're unhappy about a decision we've made to grant an approval, you may appeal against that decision, within 1 month, to:

Welshpool Magistrates Court
Mansion House
24 Severn Street
SY21 7UX


Consumer complaint

If you are a private individual with a complaint about a registered or approved food business, please contact the business first. If that has not worked please contact us using the details on this page.



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