Farm animal movements and identification
There are strict rules about how farm animals should be moved to prevent the spread of disease. Each animal must be identifiable, so that their movements can be checked.
If there's an outbreak of disease, knowing the precise location of all livestock is essential if we're going to be able to take effective steps to control and wipe out highly contagious viruses.
There are strict rules controlling the identification and movements of livestock to try and stop disease spreading. These rules apply to you even if you only keep one animal of the species covered by these rules.
The animal movement rules apply to people taking animals to agricultural shows. We've produced a guidance leaflet (PDF, 115 KB) for show organisers explaining the rules - this will also be relevant if you're taking livestock to shows.
Food and Feeding Stuffs hygiene requirements
The Food Standards Agency has issued guidance on this legislation.
Further information about animal by-products requirements is available from the Welsh Assembly Government website.
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