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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Pest Control



We no longer provide a pest control service.


Bats and nesting birds are protected and not regarded as pests. If you need advice about a problem with them please look at our Bats and Birds pages.

We can't treat the pests listed below, but you can click the links to find information about their treatment and control. 

If you need treatment for these pests, you should look for a private pest control company.

You can find their details in local business directories and on the Internet.

Ants (PDF, 88 KB)

Bed bugs (PDF, 65 KB)

Bees (PDF, 306 KB)

Biscuit Beetles (PDF, 64 KB)

Book lice (PDF, 96 KB)

Carpet Beetles (PDF, 64 KB)

Cluster Flies (PDF, 86 KB)

Cockroaches (PDF, 66 KB)

Fleas (PDF, 65 KB)

Flies (PDF, 70 KB)

Foxes (PDF, 66 KB)

Mice (PDF, 65 KB)

Pigeons (PDF, 66 KB)

Rats (PDF, 66 KB)

Spider Beetles (PDF, 63 KB)

Squirrels (PDF, 66 KB)

Wasps (PDF, 66 KB)

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