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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Report an abandoned vehicle

Powys County Council only currently removes vehicles from private land if the request comes from the landowner.

If a landowner wants a vehicle removed from their property they must first try to trace the owner of the vehicle. The landowner can contact the DVLA to ask them to trace the vehicle owner. If this is unsuccessful the landowner can contact the police to see if they have any interest in the vehicle. The landowner has the right to remove the vehicle.     

Powys County Council will remove a vehicle on behalf of a landowner providing they can show that they have made all reasonable efforts to contact the vehicle owner (for example, quoting a police incident number and providing the Council with copies of any correspondence). Land registry documents must all be provided to the council, including register view and title plan of the land.

The costs reasonably incurred by the Council in Officer attendance, administration, vehicle recovery and storage will be chargeable to the landowner following their request of a vehicle removal from their private land.

Details should be sent to:

Before reporting an Abandoned Vehicle, please check if it is taxed and if applicable has a valid MOT.  If it is taxed or has valid MOT, then it is unlikely to be abandoned.  You can check the vehicle status at

You can also report an untaxed vehicle at Report an untaxed vehicle - GOV.UK ( or report a vehicle with no MOT [if one is needed] at Report a vehicle with no MOT - GOV.UK (

If an abandoned vehicle is found, it will have a warning removal notice attached. During those days we will try to trace the last registered keeper or current owner of the vehicle.

If the keeper or owner cannot be traced and/or does not remove the vehicle then it, and the entire contents, will be removed at the end of the warning period and disposed of 2 weeks later.

It currently costs us more than £370 to remove a vehicle and we make every attempt to recover these costs from the last keeper or owner.

Report an abandoned vehicle Report an abandoned vehicle form

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