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Notice: Full details of the new Household Recycling Centre booking system and charges for DIY waste are available on the council website.

Buy or renew a car park permit

Annual car parking permits make parking cheaper if you use our pay and display car parks often. You can use a permit in all our long stay car parks.

If you fill in an application form online for your vehicle, whilst waiting for the permit to arrive, print off the receipt and display on your vehicle for up to 14 days without penalty provided it's clearly displayed.

To buy or renew a car park permit or to request a replacement parking permit fill in one of the forms below:

Apply or Renew a Parking Permit Apply or Renew a Parking Permit

Replacement Parking Permit Application Replacement Parking Permit Application

Making Changes to your permit

When making a change to your parking permit details a £25 charge will be incurred and you must return your current permit to Kirkhamsfield Depot, Pool Road, Newtown, SY16 3AF before the new parking permit will be issued.


Where you can use parking permit

To find long stay car parks where parking permits can be used, please look at our maps of town parking. 


How long your permit will last

Permits are available on a 1, 3, 6 or 12-month term depending on the vehicle type. 


If you no longer need your permit

If you no longer need your permit, refunds are available for each complete month unused on the permit. There is an administration charge of £25.  The permit and refund request should be sent to: Kirkhamsfield Depot, Pool Road, Newtown, SY16 3AF.


Expired Permits

No reminders will be sent out before your permit expires, so please make a note in your diary.


Disabled Parking Bays

There are disabled parking bays at most locations and there is no charge for vehicles with an official Blue Disabled Badge.


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