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Public registers of licences

You can view a number of registers held by the council.  The registers are public documents which we must make available to you by law.

To view a register

Use the contact details on this page to ask to view a register or to ask us to provide you with an extract or a copy. 

Charges apply for extracts of the LAPPC register.

Licence fees and charges

Environment and dogs

Local Authority Pollution Prevention Control (LAPPC) - Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Register) Regulations 1991.  Licence fees and charges

Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (LAIPPC) A2 permits - Pollution Prevention & Control (England & Wales) Regulations 2000

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) A1 Permits - Pollution Prevention & Control (England & Wales) Regulations 2000

Waste Management Licences - Licences and information regarding the treatment, keeping or disposal of controlled waste. Environment Act 1995

Contaminated Land - Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations 2001

Private Water Supplies - Private Water Supplies Regulations 1991

Stray Dogs - Environmental Protection (Stray Dogs) Regulations 1992





Register of:

  • Closing Orders
  • Demolition Orders
  • Undertakings not to Re-let


Roads, streets and highways

List of streets which are highways maintainable at the public expense - Highways Act 1980 S.36(6)

Street works register - New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 S.53 (as amended by the Traffic Management Act 2006)

Street Works Contacts



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