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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed on Friday 14 March due to a system update.

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports: The council's Statement of Accounts.

Capital programme: The Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan

Spending reviews: The council's Statement of Accounts and Committee reports.

Financial audit reports: For example Annual Governance Reports and Best Value Reports.

Members' allowances: The allowances members are entitled to claim and the amount each member received in expenses.

Contracts: Details of contracts currently being tendered; procurement policies and guidance; contracts currently available for public tender.

List of contracts awarded and their value: Contracts awarded under the Public Contract Regulations 2006 as published in The Official Journal of the European Union.

District auditor's reports: For example District Audit Reports, Annual Governance Reports and Best Value Reports

Financial statements for projects and events: The Council's Statement of Accounts

Internal financial regulations: Financial regulations under the council's Standing Orders, as contained in the council's Constitution.

Funding for partnership arrangements: Partnership funding for joint endeavours.

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