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Growing Mid Wales

Growing Mid Wales logo

Growing Mid Wales is a regional partnership and engagement arrangement between the private and public sectors, and with Welsh Government. The initiative seeks to represent the region's interests and priorities for improvements to our local economy.

Growing Mid Wales wish to draw together local business, academic leaders and national and local government to create a vision for the future growth of Mid-Wales and influence and champion our future expansion.

Across the public, third and private sectors in Mid Wales, we acknowledge the need for developing consensus on priorities for our region, and for sharing our vision to progress jobs, growth and the local economy. We need greater impacts and better results from working together across the region with diminishing public resources.

Growing Mid-Wales Partnership will provide regional leadership on our vision and will be an effective, 'light touch' mechanism that will scrutinise, challenge, identify opportunities and shortcomings and so initiate and propose interventions to achieve more and better results for our region.

We aim to

  1. Encourage interaction with businesses, higher and further education, and with public and private sector stakeholders
  2. Identify key themes and sectors, and priorities for investment.
  3. Support business led innovation, enterprise and investment in Mid Wales.
  4. Secure wider collaborative and transformational working with key partners organisations and the business community
  5. Agree roles, responsibilities and improved delivery arrangements in the promotion of economic development. 
  6. Ensure broad input and engagement that will help advise on the Growth Deal


Have you checked out the new Growing Mid Wales website yet? Find it here:

Follow us on Twitter @GrowingMidWales

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