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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

How do I seek SAB approval?

The SAB will offer a chargeable pre-application service to discuss in detail your site's drainage requirements and what needs to be submitted with your application.

While this process will be separate from the planning application process, discussion and consultation between the Local Planning Authority (LPA), the SAB and the developer will need to take place from the pre-application stage.  This is to ensure suitability of proposed SuDs design in line with national standards, adequate site layout and ultimately SAB approval. This service which will be paramount to help limit delays to approval and reduce cost in the long term is strongly encouraged before submitting your full application.

Full-applications must be submitted to the SAB for validation and must be accompanied by:

  • a plan specifying the construction area and the extent of the drainage system,
  • information on how the construction work will comply with the SuDS Standards;
  • information requested in the application form checklist
  • the appropriate application fee.

The SAB will have 7 weeks to determine applications other than those requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment, in which case it has 12 weeks.

The application forms and guidance documentation is available to download from this webpage.  All submissions will need to be made to the SAB as these cannot be completed or submitted via the Planning Portal.

How do I contact my SAB?

The start date for the approvals requirement is 7th January 2019.  We are currently setting up our new service to deal with your applications and a dedicated webpage to provide you with additional information as it becomes available.

In the meantime, if you would like more information about this new process, please contact Powys Council SAB team using the details below:

There is a large amount of information available and the following webpages are a useful free resource to gain more information on Sustainable Drainage and help you understand what you will need to consider.

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