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Notice: Household Flood Claim Form - Storm Bert & Storm Darragh: Were you affected???

How can decisions be influenced?


Members of the Public

If you are a member of the public you can:

  • Attend meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees (except if personal or confidential matters are being discussed).
  • See any report which is not confidential.
  • At the Planning Committee, one supporter and one opponent can speak for up to five minutes.

Details of speaking rights are set out in the Council's Planning Protocol.   The latest version of the Planning Protocol is currently being translated. If you would like information about speaking rights contact the Planning Officer or Carol Johnson, Democratic Services Officer 01597 826206 email:

The Protocol also sets out the rules on lobbying members of the Planning Committee who wish to remain as 'Decision Makers' about individual planning applications. Because planning decisions are quasi-judicial and regulatory, a Councillor acting as a 'Decision Maker' on a planning committee can't allow themselves to be lobbied by anyone, whether for or against an application.  Discussing a planning application with a lobbyist will disqualify the Councillor from the decision-making process.  Potential lobbyists should contact the appropriate officer within Planning Services.


Council Employees

If you are a council employee, as you carry out your job you have a chance to have an input into what the council does and how it does it.  Where decisions have implications for the personal interests and welfare of employees, the council has formal consultation arrangements with trade unions.


Elected Members

If you are an elected member you can: 

  • Attend meetings of the Council, Cabinet and Committees
  • Use call in procedures
  • Participate in meetings

You can find more information on what councillors do and how to become a councillor by going to the What do Councillors do page.

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