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Wellbeing Information Bank: Demographics

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Powys population

The latest mid year estimates as published by the Office of National Statistics. Population by Powys Locality areas.

Population projections

Population projections provide estimates of the size of the future population, and are based on assumptions about births, deaths and migration. The assumptions are based on past trends.

Powys population density

Population density shows the number of people per square KM, by Locality and Lower Super Output Area (LSOA)

Place of birth and ethnicity

This dataset provides information on place of birth and ethnicity.

Historical households and projections

Historical number of households over time and the projected number of households

Households and household size

The number of households and the average number of persons per household from the Census

Population projections by Year and Age

Population projections broken down by single year and age.

Powys Geography

Explore Powys' Geographical areas by Locality, MSOA and LSOA views, search by Postcode to discover your area.

Well Being Overview

Overview of the Well Being Assessment by Powys Locality broken down by different themes

Census population

Look at changes in the Powys population between current and historical Censuses by age band and gender

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

CENSUS data showing the number of people by sexual orientation and gender identity
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