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Notice: The Council Tax and Awards (benefits) phone lines will be closed Friday 14 March due to a system update.

Wellbeing Information Bank: Economy

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Broadband and mobile

The percentage of Broadband and Mobile network coverage throughout Wales by Local Authority.


The number and size of businesses in Powys. The number of business births, deaths and active businesses over time.

Claimant Count

Number of claimants that are required to look for work than under Jobseeker's Allowance. As Universal Credit Full Service is rolled out in particular areas, the number of people recorded as being on the Claimant Count is therefore likely to rise.


Number of recorded homelessness cases in Powys in the calendar year.

Furloughed employments

Number of Furloughed employments by Local Authority

Employment workforce

The number and percentage of people in Wales and Powys by their economic activity. Either Unemployed, Economically inactive or Economically active.

Employment by industry

The total and percentage of all people in employment by the industry they work in, by local authority.

COVID-19 Business Grants

The total number of businesses paid, total amount of money paid out and values of grant payments made.

Household Income

Powys average household income by locality from CACI Paycheck. See how Powys and smaller areas compare against Wales and the UK.

Material Deprivation

Percentage of people living in households in material deprivation by Local Authority

Children in Poverty

Children in Poverty

Qualification Level

Percentage of working age adults by highest qualification level broken down by local authority
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