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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

How to apply

To make your experience of submitting a building regulation application easier we encourage applicants to submit applications electronically.

If you would like to submit electronically you have 3 options available.

Before making your application online please ensure that you are aware of our fees and charges.

Costs involved Costs involved

Option 1

You can submit a building notice, full plans or regularisation application to us by selecting the appropriate link below.

The online payment system is currently not working. To proceed with the Option 1 application you must enter £0.0 into the payment field and we will then contact you to arrange payment. Alternatively you can use Option 2 or 3 below.

As well as completing the online form you can attach drawings and make the initial application payment.

You MUST enter £0.00 in the payment field. This will enable you to complete the application process. If you prefer to pay over the telephone or are unsure of what charges you need to pay then please contact us on 01874 612290.

Once you have submitted your online application you will receive a confirmation email from our provider IDOX Solutions confirming receipt. You should receive this notification within 20 minutes of submitting your application. If you do not receive notification of your application then you must contact us immediately. 

Building Notice Application

Full Plans Application

Regularisation Application  (The fees for regularisation applications are charged at 150% of our standard charges and exclude VAT. Before making a regularisation application online please contact us to discuss the fee.)

Option 2

Alternatively you can download our application form below, which you can use to either email your application or print and send in the post.

Paper Application

Download an application form (both types)  (PDF) [241KB]

Option 3

Telephone Application

We also take telephone applications.

Please call us to discuss on: 01874 612290



  • Email:
  • Phone: 01874 612290
  • Address: 
    • Brecon Office - Neuadd Brycheiniog, Cambrian Way, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7HR
    • Llandrindod Wells Office - County Hall Llandrindod Wells LD1 5LG
    • Welshpool Office: Ty Maldwyn, Brook Street, Welshpool, SY21 7PH
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

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