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Notice: Welsh Language Standards Annual Report

The Town and Country Planning Act, and other legislation

Work involving demolition may also need consent under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

Different types of demolition (e.g. a small porch and a large warehouse) will involve different rules and procedures.

The planning system is taking a proactive approach towards sustainable construction. Prioritising the need to minimise construction and demolition waste and maximising the potential for re-using and recycling all materials involved in any demolition and redevelopment schemes. Any applications involving demolition will need to include information and evidence on the potential for recycling materials. This evidence could include structural surveys. Providing a Building Act notification is insufficient to comply with the Town and Country Planning Act procedures.

You should also check whether there are any other special consents required, e.g. listed building consents or wildlife species licences.

Further information can be found in our  Guidance note No.22: Sustainable Building. (PDF) [19KB]