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Child Employment Permits

permit image
The employment of children is covered by strict rules and regulations which protect children from any harm or being exploited and to make sure the child's health and education does not suffer.

The Local Authority is the agency who are responsible for overseeing children who have a part time job and prosecuting any employer who breaks the law.  In Powys, this falls to the Education Welfare Service.

A child must have attained his / her 13th birthday before an application for a work permit can be made.

The legislation applies to all children (including the children of the employer) who are under compulsory school age (the last Friday in June in the school year in which they have their 16th birthday).  Receipt of a National Insurance Number and Card is not a sign that a child can get a full time job and/or leave school).

If you wish to apply for a work permit for a child, please download the application form, complete and return it along with a recent passport sized photo of the child. There is no fee.

Child Employment Permit Application Form (PDF, 175 KB)

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