Childcare Offer for Wales - Holiday Entitlement

The Childcare Offer covers up to 48 weeks per year, of which 39 are counted as 'term time' and 9 as 'holiday provision'.
- Foundation Phase provision is not available outside the 39 weeks of term time
- The entire 30 hours will be for childcare only during the remaining 9 weeks
- 3 weeks of holiday provision will be allocated to each child at the start of each term
- A link to the holiday booking form is emailed to you once you are approved for the Childcare Offer.
When and how can I access my holiday entitlement?
- Parents can choose any holiday weeks to suit their needs
- Any unused holiday weeks in a term will be carried over to the next so long as the child remains eligible
- Holiday provision must be accessed in week-long blocks (30 hours)
- Unused hours cannot be transferred across weeks
- Parents are responsible for finding a provider
- Parents must complete a holiday booking form and submit it to the Childcare Unit before the holiday start date
- Parents are responsible for paying the childcare provider for the four holiday weeks not covered by the Childcare Offer
Childcare Offer holiday weeks entitlement during school holidays
Three weeks' holiday is given to each child per school term.
The number of holiday weeks you are awarded in that academic year is dependent on the number of school terms that you receive the Childcare Offer:
What is my holiday provision?
- A child who joins the Offer in September will receive 9 weeks holiday provision
- A child who joins the Offer in January will receive 6 weeks holiday provision
- A child who joins the Offer in April will receive 3 weeks holiday provision
There will be 4 holiday weeks NOT funded by the Offer during each academic year.
If you are still eligible for the offer in the new academic year, a new allocation of holiday entitlement will begin.
A child is eligible for funding during the school holidays until the September after their 4th birthday.
Applications for the holiday entitlement:
- Must be made before the date the holiday entitlement is required
- Will be checked within the month leading up to the holiday by the Childcare Unit
- If successful, notifications will be sent via e-mail to the parent and the provider