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Notice: We will be carrying out maintenance on the Powys County Council website on Wednesday, 12 March

Real Nappies Incentive

From birth to potty the average child will go through around 5,000 nappies, producing almost a tonne of rubbish!  Collecting and disposing of this waste increases landfill and costs tax payers hundreds of thousands of pounds every year. 
Image of some cloth nappies

But it doesn't have to be this way. By switching to re-usable 'real' nappies you can help save the environment, save taxpayers money, but also save yourself a small fortune!   

Over the years, the costs of disposable nappies really add up.  Compare this to re-usable nappies, where one-off packs (which include all the kit needed to go from new-born to potty-trained) can be found for as little as £250. Even better, these kits can be re-used again for future babies if your family grows.  That means you could save over £1,000 over the whole family. Not bad!

Modern real nappies are fun, stylish and fashionable available in a range of patterns, designs, sizes and colours with easy to use adjustable Velcro or popper fastening. 

As an incentive to switch over to real (reusable) nappies, Powys County Council is offering up to £100 (minimum claim £50) cashback (see terms and conditions) against the cost of purchasing real nappies, or a combination of real nappies and real nappy accessories.

To apply, simply read the terms and conditions then apply online or  download an application form (PDF, 214 KB) to print off, and return it to us with copies of the necessary documentation.

If approved, we'll then send you a BACS payment form to complete and we'll pay the amount directly into your bank account.

Please allow up to 6 weeks from receipt of application to payment.

Apply online Real Nappies Incentive Scheme application form

Please submit all forms and copies of documents required to


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