Air Quality
The quality of the air we breathe can significantly affect our health.
The main causes of poor air quality are industrial and road traffic emissions.
National government and local authorities are committed to improving air quality, a commitment that has been written into law.
The pollutants of main concern are nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which has a threshold of 40ugm3 per year, and particulate material (PM10 and PM2.5).
Visit Air Quality in Wales for up-to-date national air quality data.
To help improve air quality Powys County Council is responsible for:
- identifying areas of poor air quality and taking action to improve them. In Powys the main source of poor air quality is from road traffic emissions although a busy road is not necessarily an area of poor air quality.
- regulating industrial processes that could pollute the atmosphere as identified under the Pollution Prevention and Control regulations, including petrol stations, quarries and wood treatment plants.
We report on air quality in our county annually and the latest reports can be seen below
Air Quality Progress Report 2024 (PDF, 2 MB)
Air Quality Progress Report 2023 (PDF, 4 MB)
Air Quality Progress Report 2022 (PDF, 1 MB)
If you need older copies of these documents, please contact us.
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