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Notice: Careline customers please be aware of this scam (January 2025)

Different types of funding

Revenue Support Grant 

This is the main funding grant from Welsh Government and accounts for 51% of our funding. The amount we receive is calculated based on information like population, poverty, road lengths and how rural/urban the area is. The council decides how to spend this money in line with its priorities.


Business rates

Property tax paid on business and other non-domestic properties. The Welsh Government decides how much the rates should be. Councils collect the money and pay it into the Welsh Government, and they then redistribute the money to all the councils in Wales, based on population.


Grants for specific purposes 

This is money received from Welsh Government or various other organisations and the council has to spend it on something specific, according to that organisation's priorities. For example, this could be funding for new school buildings, transport, or housing. 


Council tax 

Local residents pay council tax. The amount you pay depends on the banding of your house, which is based on the value of the house. The council decides the level of council tax charged and this contributes 32% to our overall funding.


Income generation 

We also receive income from fees charged for certain council goods and services, for example car parking, licences and planning permission.


Capital Budget

The council has to account for its investment in its fixed assets (capital) separately from the day to day running of the organisation (revenue). Fixed assets are things like buildings, roads, schools, vehicles, information technology equipment and so on that will last for a long time. Capital projects will buy, refurbish and develop assets so they can continue to be used in the future. This is usually spending of a 'one-off' nature and results in the construction or improvement of an asset such as a building. This budget is funded by Capital Grant or by borrowing.

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